
[“Deseo”] is engaging, heartfelt and melodically and musically impressive on every level.  -Vic Garbarini, former Editor of Musician Magazine 

Thank you for bringing your beautiful voice, music and other great talents to us. What a huge gift. Most of all, I love that you are bringing LOVE and Consciousness through your music.  -Joy Vaughn, Starfire Studio

This is thought provoking music with a Latin influenced sound. Many of the songs on this release are really mellow pop songs with nice melodies and a different sound. Their sound is present in the very good flamenco guitar work of Lenin Sabino, one half of the Flying Seeds. In songs like “Reflexiones,” “All Night All Day,” “Warm Night Under Autumn Skies,” and “Vision To Share,” the tunes begin with his South American guitar finger picking ,which sets the mood for the duration. He also adds flute and charango to the mix. The songs themselves are mostly lyrics about nature and love and are provided by talented writer Emily Sabino, the other half of the mix. Some of her words are like poems set to music. She has a great voice and I really dig when she sings harmony to herself. “Join Out Of Time,” a nice uptempo pop song or “Miracle,” which showcases the best of the band: nice vocals, great flute, and a memorable melody, are maybe the two most radio-friendly cuts on this release.  The CD itself has a great psychedelic and colorful design. Check their music out when you can; I dig it.       -A.J. Wachtel, The Noise 

Love the songs on Youtube (and the shots of you guys in the water are great in the videos) – very calming and beautiful.  -Dave Baeumler, Filmmaker

The Flying Seeds Bring Eclectic Tunes to Skidompha. Lenin and Emily Sabino with the band, The Flying Seeds packed the atrium at Skidompha Library on Saturday. Guests were sitting everywhere, including the staircase…As people filed in, a drum in the center caught their immediate attention. Three feet in diameter, the rawhide drum was hand made by Sabino. Lenin Sabino was engaging the moment the music began. He played classical guitar, then several wooden flutes, and charango. Many instruments were laid out on a small stand. Watchers were enthralled as he switched back and forth seamlessly creating the sound of a much larger ensemble…The Flying Seeds did a “sonic massage” just before intermission that features a low-frequency drum and echoing flute interlude. The audience was encourage to close their eyes and “feel the pulse of the earth.” This part of the performance made an impression on [a] New Jersey visitor. “It felt like the vibrations of the drum were right behind my eyes,” she said. “I was imagining a Native American tribal dance when the flute came in and all I could see was dancing water. It was very relaxing. What a treat to find something so unusual purely by chance.” The second part of the show began with Emily and Lenin Sabino performing duets. It was at this portion of the concert that Emily’s voice and lyrics were best featured, since her lovely, clear singing tone with her guitar shone through… The music of this group is hard to define. While the sound is distinctly pop/Latin mix, the lyrics, mostly written by Emily, are nature-based. They manage to make New Age music approachable for a much wider audience…This was the third visit “The Flying Seeds” have made to the Damariscotta area. The overflowing crowd and the enthusiastic response ensure it will not be their last. -Eleanor Cade Busby, Lincoln County News, 

Thank you for sending me your beautiful music! I play your CD every week on my radio show, “Stroke The Goddess.” Also, I’m including your song, “Reflexiones” on my Best of 2012 Collection. – Annie Stillwater Gray, DJ, WMHB

Two Hemispheres, One Voice. When living in the Boston area I was never exposed to South American and Mexican music. It did not exist at the time. Luckily, now you can hear wonderful examples of the music on the album by The Flying Seeds called, wait for it… Street Songs & Meadow Music Vol. 1. Yes it is a lot to say, but it is well represented by charangos, flutes, soft drums, and warm voice on the eleven track recording. A charango is a small Peruvian guitar, by the way. It is played masterfully along with flute and guitar by co-founder of The Flying Seeds, Lenin Sabino…. Emily’s voice is quite soft and reminiscent of Lynn Ahren’s voice of Schoolhouse Rock fame. The album is mostly Latin inspired folk songs with warm vocals and Nature nuances.… The Latin influenced songs are very friendly…This is a good first effort by a spirited band. –R.J. Lannan, Zone Music Reporter

‘Street Songs & Meadow Music, Volume 1’ features the dangerously good combination of Emily Sabino’s voice and guitar, and Lenin Sabino’s Peruvian flutes, charango and guitar… [The album] is filled with expertly played and sung music….Emily sings happily in a Karen Carpenter-like voice over a pop backing with just the right amount of Peruvian instrumental spices…in the loveliest revolutionary voice you’re ever likely to hear.  -Dan MacIntosh,

Wow! Your voice is incredible, seems classical to me, and I loved the Andean instrumentation… The combination of your beautiful voice and the Andean flutes, guitars and drums is powerful and often haunting. – John Perkins, Author, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”

I’ve told quite a few people about you and how amazing your music is – you are so gifted.  Would love to follow the trajectory of your wonderful work.  Most amazing to me were the extemporaneous songs you created. – Carol Dearborn, Visual Artist